Everything Stops For Playtime
So the last two days I've had a moment of realisation. A realisation that's filling me with mixed emotions. This in itself is giving me food for thought.
With Mikey at school and already showing signs of teaching me instead of me teaching him. I'm left with an almost 16-month-old... Sorry 1 year old for those who hate the month old thing. No longer are my days off about keeping this little one fed, well rested and generally alive. It's about getting chores done with him (Jacob) following me around.
Unloading the washing machine when I want it loaded and climbing on any furniture he can get a foot up on.
No longer can I just get stuff done. A time I had completely forgotten happens as these bundles of joy grow up. Time to think of entertaining activities other than CBeebies. Time to think about investing in educating Jacob the same way I did Mikey through play. But is it that easy the second time around?
Just casually in a child's tunnel.
Sad but it's true, up until now playtime with me has been pretty non-existent. I've been too busy parenting the older one, getting stuff done and catching up on me time (watching anything by Shonda Rhimes). I could get away with it before. Not anymore.
Nobody wants a whinging toddler interrupting an important episode of Grey's Anatomy. (New season starting very soon to those that care. If you don't, you should. Great if you need a cry).
Sorry back in the room. Jacob needs entertaining now. I can't sit and scroll relentlessly through Instagram and drool over food. I can't let him roam around the flat safe in the knowledge that hes little and can do little damage. He is not little anymore he can do lots of damage be it to himself or my belongings. Like my tablet ending up in the bath. Nothing is safe!
The answer is playtime. we have this thing at work "everything stops for savings" as difficult as it can be everything should stop for playtime. Focusing his attention on the places I can control. Time to just let go and enjoy spending time helping my baby grow up.
This brings me to my next point. He's not a baby he's a toddler. He's his own person. Communicating with me and showing me that my last child is growing up fast. The point when it's easy to think it's time for another baby.
Now I do and I don't. I wouldn't but it doesn't stop those feelings. Time to think about not having to pump my body with hormones until menopause to stop the temptations getting the better of me.
Time to look ahead and focus on giving these children the best start in life and helping them to become well rounded human beings. Despite their monster behaviour at times.
It's just the four of us and I couldn't be prouder or have any more love for my family. Nothing is more important than spending quality time with them. Also, it's a great excuse to leave the chores. Mum in a piled up laundry Mann's World.