Today I Eat Cake
So today is a special day. Not only is it my birthday but my blog is over a year old. And as if the day couldn't get any better.... the scales have been kind to me and I'm 6stone 8lbs lighter than I started the year and. Around 5 dress sizes smaller than my largest. Depending where you shop. That's a whole other issue that's not for today.
My love for shopping however has escalated but I can justify it. I have never disliked the way I looked I just knew there was room for improvement. I have a lot of self appreciation whatever I look like but I am enjoying working with the canvas I have right now.
I know there is still work to be done. People say don't loose too much weight. I don't really know where I want to be but I do know I will never be skinny. I'm a curvy girl and this will always be the case because I just love food too much. I also have a major appreciation of enjoying myself and sometimes that means giving myself a break from calorie counting.
I'm still the same person inside and out but I've done this for myself and my family and I hope I am making them proud. So today I will be celebrating! Turning 33, saying goodbye to my unwanted weight and eating cake! Its my birthday week I'm allowed. Mum in a much healthier Mann's world