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Family Time

Now family time doesn't happen often. With the usual work commitments getting in the way of life but annoyingly funding it, it goes without saying we have to make the most of it. At the moment spending time as a family is pretty rubbish.

Today we were forced to spend time together because our neighbours were having a party in our communal garden. If we didn't take Mikey out he would invite himself along. Eat all their food and act like Oliver and pretend he's malnourished. He would police their guests and make sure they were behaving in a way he sees fit for "his Garden".

I'm happy to admit that when my family comes together at

the moment some sort of toxic reaction happens and makes for a shit day. Today was no exception. Spending time with the kids on your own, or with each child on their own is fine and sometimes even delightful. It's when all four of us are together. Either one child or both decide they want to have every tantrum under the sun about every annoyance in life.

Acceptable company:

Mum Dad Mikey Mum Dad Jacob Mum Jacob Mikey Dad Jacob Mikey Mum Mikey You get the idea!

Mum Dad Mikey & Jacob....No....Just no!

Mikey seems to be struggling with his emotions lately and has no idea how to express himself in any other way than a whinge. This quickly leads my husband to his limit wishing he was at work. I get frustrated that my son is more annoying than "ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife" (Thanks Alanis Morrissette).

Poo Gate is back and I've lost count of the pairs of pants I've thrown out this summer. This all leads me to think that the lack of a familiar routine is a contributing factor and perhaps its time to buy shares in Primark due to my increased underpants purchases.

This, however, is no excuse for my grumpy children who need to cheer the hell up when we spend time together. Mr hangry Jacob needs to chill out and not worry about where his next meal is coming from. I will feed him. Also, accept that his personal space is not his own. His brother will want to be right in his face at any given time.

Mr I'm too busy playing to use the toilet Mikey needs to tone down his attitude and learn to express those emotions in a socially acceptable way. Not on the floor in Argos. Mr I want to be at work. He has a point. Times like these have me thinking about when it was just the two of us. And Mrs I'm definitely not sharing this day on Instagram. Needs to remember I wouldn't appreciate the good days so much without the challenges.

It's not even a case that we've spent too much time together. We Really haven't but I am thinking, bring on the start of school because this 4-year-old is the catalyst. I'm about ready to sign him up for a stint in the army.

Times like these call upon vodka! Ok, just a cup of tea tonight and a binge watch of Supernanny and The Three Day Nanny. Mum in a moody Mann's world.

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