Bottle The Memories
This week there have been so many highs and lows. Those moments that are all part of parenting but you just keep thinking its really not what I signed up for.
Luckily I have been very appreciative of the good times this week. Now that Mikey has turned 4 there seems to be more and more moments that make me realise how grown up he is and just how much of the world around him he is taking on. It makes me realise that I can't get away with doing and saying so much that I shouldn't around him anymore. "Oh crap....I mean ooopppsss".
He recently told me my boobs wobble about at night. I mean, I really don't know where he got this from but please don't tell your teachers this. And how we joked that his dad is beating him up when he got a bump on the head. However, when asked how he did it he would say, "my dad did it" or "my mum did it". Child abuse is real but please don't listen to my son if he tells you this. This is a particular issue when he tells a social worker friend.
I want to bottle up the memories and share them with you. so here are a selection of the highlights from my week with my wonderful boys (they are wonderful at the moment, they haven't upset me).
This is us bird watching. Mikey made some bird feeders at nursery. Instead of popping them in the filing (the bin) I actually put them in the garden. I must admit only because I promised his teacher photos of them up. Otherwise I would have "Forgotten".
Whilst the little one was asleep I bonded with the big one and we made some binoculars. Mikey was so excited watching the birds. I actually loved it myself also. We saw so many different birds in our back garden. He made me wear his hat as they were our "exploring hats". I learnt something about birds also! Learning through play is not just for children!
This was a lovely moment the boys shared. A Sunday morning cuddle. Jacob was willingly cuddling up to his brother. Not wriggling to get away because Mikey is in his face. Mikey wasn't shouting Mikey "Mum Jakey poked, scratched, headbutted me". These two already have so much love for each other but equally they understand that their personal space is key to a good relationship.
I just can't believe where the time has gone. This photo made me realise how big Jacob has got now. Hes now so vocal so I was really just enjoying the silent time.
No longer can I leave him out of meal time. There was trouble this morning when I forgot to include him in the breakfast pancakes. Luckily Phil shared with him. He just stares at you until you give in. I love him but I wasn't about to share that with him. Lesson learned.
After cooking up a storm in the kitchen I go into the living room and find the delightful scene of Mikey playing the keyboard and Phil playing the guitar. I happily join in on drums. Mikey was so in the zone. Rocking out to Bastille.
He loves music and dancing. He feels it in his soul but has the dance moves of his dad. As long as hes enjoying it i'm happy!
These moments I want to cherish forever because when Mikey is the devil child and tells me he doesn't like me or reminds me i'm not his favourite it's hard to dig deep for the reasons why I love him really. Or when Jacob is doing a poonarmy or keeping us awake I need these to give me that energy to get through. Mum in a memorable Mann's world.