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What A Difference A Day Makes

It's times like this that make it all worth it. I'm so used to airing my frustrations and talking about the bad stuff. Well, This week has been full of ups, downs, challenges, appointments and snotty noses. What a difference 24 hours can make.

5.45 am A normal early start for me and I feed the boy. It's not even 7 am yet and I've super glued my boots, dressing gown, and fingers and nearly give myself cyanide poisoning.

Mikey's dropped his cereal on the floor twice. 9 am school run and Mikey wants to wear his coat back to front I allow it. At least he's wearing it. 9.04 am I flirt and flutter my eyelashes at the lollipop man so he lets me through the back gate of the school. Don't tell my husband.

9.15 am I go to make myself a cup of tea and there's no milk left. Oh yea it all went in Mikey's cereal...I consider drinking a cider and realise I should at least wait until 11 am. I then do sweet F.A for a while. When I say nothing I mean nothing apart from looking after Jacob, pick up Mikey's rubbish here and there and put Mikey's crap away whilst watching some TV.

10.15 am I feed Jacob whilst thinking the time is getting on.

We leave the house to walk to the Doctors and I'm starting to get a stomp on because I'm in a panic we won't make it for 11.30 am. Check my phone and the appointments 11.20 am. Really pushing those lungs now. Good job it's downhill.

11.25 am vaccinations for Jacob are done. We made it by the way but I'm sweating like a bitch. Even had time to let some elderly Chica cooo at Jacob.

I then do some shopping for me for once. Only because M&S have a sale on (I'm officially old, I know!). I already bought a top yesterday buuuut I thought I deserved another look. I go to try some bits on but turns out their changing rooms aren't mummy friendly. So I try on the garments with the door open and a blue-eyed baby chatting to me.

I buy 2 new dresses but realise one has a nice floral print or sperm print as I realised when I got home. Fashion Fail! First time I treat myself in ages and it looks like sperm. Not cool M&S.

Fast forward to the 3 pm school run. Mikey wants to walk home with his coat on back to front with the hood up this time. 3.15 pm Mikey's done a shit in his pants. A half clean Mikey is wandering around and the doorbell goes. Luckily it's just my family. I shout "Hi! be with you shortly. Go in the front room. Sorry about the mess!".

3.24 pm I say can anyone still smell poo? Mikey's done another shit half in his pants half in the toilet. I should probably say these are the first accidents in a while and we are making progress. Youtube and Mario kart bribery works really well. But Eau de poo is lingering! Good job my guests are family.

4.25pm I go to make a cheese pasta sauce but oh yea no milk! For all you Phil's out there..... I forgot to go to the shop when I was out! I didn't go back out either because that's too much hard work. Two children and living in a flat I've already lifted the buggy up and down those stairs enough today.

I think beans, sausages, and scrambled eggs will do instead for dinner. Oh, yea no milk! Seriously Nicole. At this point, I consider other egg options and decide to just wait until Phil brings home milk.

I look longingly at the cider but decide as it's not mine I probably shouldn't have it and I'm sure it won't make this cold any better.

Fast forward to Friday evening......

Mikey has had a nap on my lap after a cuddle!! This doesn't ever happen anymore. He's woken up happy! This is rare.....he's normally a grumpy monster after a nap. Why is he happy? Because his daddy is home. Phil has been working really hard lately doing lots of overtime so he's happy to see him.

He calmly agrees to have some dinner. He turns to me and says, "I like my dinner mummy" get in! Makes up for those I don't like my dinner moments. Tonight's dinner was homemade Moroccan soup. Mum wins here because what he doesn't know is it had all sorts of vegetables in. It wasn't even pulsed much so the veg was visible. Just not in the form he normally sees it. Winning!

Phil's congratulating Mikey on him writing his name at nursery. Jacobs having a chat with me and giving us lots of smiles. I tell Phil we are sharing his bottle of cider tonight. He tells me it's just for him. We all know he's sharing it with me.

Jacobs sick on me but I couldn't care less because at least he looked adorable whilst he did it. Mikey did his poo in the toilet and suddenly seems so grown up.

Praying every moment was as heartwarming as this. I'm a realist so I'm not deluded enough to think that could happen but I am certainly making the most of it whilst it lasts. Mum in a happy Mann's world.

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