The Kids Christmas Appraisals
Christmas is everywhere you look. It's being forced on us whether u like it or not. I'm fighting it but the more I try the more I get pulled in. Its the organisation freak in me. I will admit I've already wrapped some gifts up but they've been sent off to "Santa" to look after them. Christmas is going to be different this year though.
(This is not my tree....I don't have the patience for a real tree. I think someone overlooked the health and safety issue with having a real tree and a tea light right next to it. I have common sense)
Not only have we grown in numbers but we have all grown in age. Michael has questions about Santa and wishes for gifts that are ever changing.
Of course, I bought presents months ago. I have to use reverse psychology to make sure he still wants these gifts. However, there's no getting away from some presents he says he would like (but hes very vague so does he actually want them at all?). For him to say these things now is like saying it to any normal person on Christmas Eve.
I'm completely sure he will be really happy with what he has got but I can't help but feel I need to get more. Is it never ending? When will I stop? I won't be going crazy so that's when the struggle between meeting his expectations verses mine begin to battle.
I did a bit of research on how to approach the Santa subject with children (not on Pinterest for a change). After reading lots of opinions I pitched it to Phil and we had a winner. We decided to say that because of the number of children in the world now Santa only chooses stocking presents for them and the bigger gifts come from us. I ain't letting some made up man take credit for these awesome gifts. I worked hard for these.
(This is not my child he would A) Not go this close to a Santa, B) He would not look this smart and C) Would not sit still enough for a picture like this)
But ultimately "Santa" decides if they make it to the naughty or nice list meaning we get them the gifts they would like. Suitably appropriate and Budget allowing!
I like to think of it as The parents sit down in a meeting with "Santa" and discuss the children's end of year rating. The rating then determines their bonus....ERM, I mean gifts. They might as well get used to performance-based rewards at an early age.
Now we also have the problem of two children. Although Jacob really won't know what's going on I feel a need to give balance. Am I giving him the same amount I gave to Mikey when he's was 1? Are they getting a fair and even balance of gifts now? Should they buy each other gifts? It's all so overwhelming.
I decided to allow Mikey to choose what he wanted to buy Jacob. A toy car he said. Marvelous I sorted it out but as soon as Mikey saw it he, of course, wanted to play with it.
Me: No Mikey its for Jacob's....
Mikey: what about me?
Me: I'm sure Jacob will buy you a present also.
Mikey: Can I have it now?
Me: Not until Christmas.
Mikey: Can I share Jacobs?
Me: Yes, I'm sure Jacob will share it but not until Christmas.
Mikey: Can I play with it now?
Me: It isn't Christmas yet so no. Would you like to wrap it up? Mikey: No. I need to just....bye!
Today Mikey got well and truly pulled into Christmas and dragged me kicking and screaming with him. He asked to watch polar express (I actually struggled to say no). So Here it is. Down hill from here. It's a fight to stick to my guns and not put up the tree until we are well into December. Say the 24th December. Mum in a festive I mean Scrooge Mann's world!