Tidy Home, Tidy Mind - Well that's the plan....
It's been a long week, long and boring! From early mornings with the baby. Jacobs body clock does not like winter. To spring cleaning in Autumn.
I set myself the task of sorting out my shit cupboard this week. Sorry I mean shoe cupboard. The sort of cupboard where if u pull the hoover out a spare potty or Christmas decoration comes flying out also. The sort where you have to shut it quickly to cram it all back in.
This is one of many jobs on my wish list. Other things include clean the cooker, decorate well...the whole flat, and clean the kitchen cupboards. By Wednesday I didn't think my goal of sorting the cupboard was going to happen. Partly because well I would prefer to nap and well it's been this way for months now what's one more week!?
Thursday, however, I woke up like I could take on the day and all before the school run it was pretty much done. Thank you to my husband for tending to our children so I could ignore them and get on with it. Naturally, Mikey was amazed by everything I found and all of a sudden wanted to use it all.
The best thing about my best friend moving to Australia is she donated loads of storage to me. At first, I was appreciative, then I was overwhelmed and thought this means I need to actually work hard to use it. But this has definitely been the most exciting thing in my life this week.
I've been able to organise my life. A few weeks ago I sorted out the Christmas decorations. Now I can easily pull them out for one day (yes I'm having my decorations up for one day only) and then pop them away again with minimal effort.
Thanks to the planned visit of the boiler man/lady/person I had to also pull all the crap out of the laundry cupboard. Now the fact they never even turned up meant I was faced with having to pull it all out again in a week or so. F**k that shit.
Every couple of times a year I sort it out. Otherwise, it gets a complete mess where people pull stuff out and put things back where they don't belong. It's a real life battle.
I put everything away but I felt it needed more. So instead of spending the night snuggled up to my loved one I spent the night snuggled up to my 2nd love. Pinterest. This inspired me to sort my shit out.
I utilised unused storage under my bed. I reorganised boxes to free up the pretty ones. I now own some of the space-saving zip up bags (so grown up). It's now a dream. Phil said we need to try and keep it up. I said "we?!? You need to keep it up, Mr. Mann".
I've been changing up the room accessories here and there to make the flat more homely and a bit fresher because I was sick of looking at it as it was. I treated myself....to a new shower curtain. What is life when you get excited about a shower curtain? It is really pretty though.
I remember those days when I used to treat myself to a new outfit for Saturday night. Not anymore! But that is OK! I'm the mother hen and I want to tend to my chicks in a pretty nest. Everything will have its own home by the end of the year. If it doesn't it can find a home in the recycling.
Today I ticked another job off of the list. I cleaned the kitchen cupboards. A job I can't say is on my to do list all the often. Once I started I was questioning my mental health. Why did I start this on a Sunday? I did it though and now half of my kitchen looks decent for a change. Only the mountain of paintings, play-dough tools, and spare car parts dumped on the kitchen table to sort out tomorrow. My mind is still not tidy though! Mum in an almost organised Mann's world.