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The Washing Up Can Wait

Today was a good day but I got to the end of it feeling exhausted. So I thought what I need is a long relaxing bath. You know those ones you see in the movies? Bubbles, candles, music, and a hot man! Phil's at work and my lovers are all busy so it's just me! It wasn't quite how I had imagined.

The kids are in bed so I take this rare moment of quiet time to run myself a bath. Firstly I pick out the toys (my bath is a toy box it would seem) and put some music on as the tub fills up. My phone battery is almost dead so I decide to get the radio. I think, "Capital Extra or Smooth Extra?" I decide on Smooth because I'm not sure hip hop and grime is quite the soundtrack I'm going for.

I didn't quite achieve the bubbles I was hoping for but no worries lets go with it. Artificial candles are on (horrible flashbacks of pregnant days start) lights are off and I'm in. I lay back.....I hit my head on the toy ambulance I forgot to move. Bloody child! Great start!

I close my eyes to listen to the sweet sounds of relaxing music and, no, wait, on come the adverts. I now also realise I perhaps have the radio on a bit too loud and didn't really think this through. I wonder if I can reach it to turn it down but start to imagine slipping and knocking myself out or death by electrocution. Dramatic I know but good to consider all possibilities. I now have Barry Scott shouting at me about cleaning products. Reminding of the fact that I left the washing up so I could selfishly have a relax. Thanks for the guilt trip Barry.

I power on and remind myself that you have to look after number one sometimes. The adverts are done and I welcome a little bit of Seal, Full name Seal Henry Olusegun Olumide Adeola Samuel. What a name! I'm singing away feeling really old but loving the throwback until I start getting the words wrong. Oh and throw in a few bum notes.

I'm cringing at myself but thinking there's nobody to judge me here. The next song I haven't got a clue what it is until it gets to the chorus and I'm pleased I can sing this part. No, I get those words wrong also. Next song, a bit of Phil Collins, I manage to string a few lines together. After all I'm thinking the hip-hop/grime setup was a better option. More sing-along possibilities.

I lasted 3 songs before I got out as the next lot of adverts kicked in. Besides I needed to get Mr. Mann's dinner ready for when he gets in from work. I'm not letting him starve, we are over, "I don't like my dinner". Mum in a partly relaxed Mann's world.

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