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I Don't Like My Dinner

When you hear these words, "I don't like my dinner" how do you react? I regularly hear it even before I know what I'm cooking for dinner before it's reached the table and before it's touched his lips. But today I was close to breaking point.

After a lovely morning foraging and grafting on the allotment

with my dad I was feeling refreshed and in a good head space. A bit of time away from the kids and quality time with my dad. A food shop that took longer than it should. Mostly because of the crazy healthy people doing some run in town (road block hell).

It's all good though everyone is happy. Lovely!

I spend a good few hours in the kitchen and am feeling really proud of myself. The radio is filling my soul with sweet sounds and there's no noise interference from the boys. Grown up lunch prep done and Mikey lunch prep done. If I'm not his favourite parent then he needs to have a word with himself. Dinner prep and dessert are sorted. Washing up is done. All is good with the world.

(I might give myself a star sticker for effort)

Having brought home delicious

vegetables from the allotment I was inspired to cook a vegetarian dinner tonight. As a frugal mummy on maternity leave, I'm trying to vary our dinners and not have meat every day. So tonight I went with roasted vegetables and cauliflower cheese. Yummy!

"Dinners ready!" I holler. In comes Mikey, "I don't like dinner, I'm not eating mine". I told Mikey it was chicken to try and get him to eat it (It normally works). Phil said, " where's the chicken?". I said, "there isn't any I just told Mikey that!" He's now turning his nose up and swallowing it like it had dog shit on it.

Phil's argument is I'm giving him things for dinner he doesn't like so clearly its OK for him to look like that and express his dislike for it. I'm not cooking multiple dinners and leaving things out because he can't be mature enough to suck it up and eat some veg. Courgettes, cauliflower, and onions are not the devil food. I'm trying to set an example here for the impressionable 3-year-old.

Dessert was (home made apart from the pie case because I aint got time for that) rhubarb and apple crumble pie. As soon as I slung it down for Phil, Michael was all about trying his dinner after all. No Thank you from my husband so he's getting the silent treatment until I decide if I will ever cook for him again. Ok, of course, I will but I learned from the best (my mum) and a good old silent treatment never did anyone any harm. My dad might say otherwise.

So am I being too harsh by dishing up vegetables in different formats in the hope that one day he will enjoy them? Alternatively, should I let them starve?

You know when you are angry and every little thing someone does or doesn't do winds you up? Well that is tonight. I considered putting Lego on the floor next to his side of the bed as revenge for him to stand on. Too far? I will use that next time! Mum in an ungrateful Mann's world.

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