After A Storm Comes A Rainbow
After a shit storm comes a rainbow is what I want to say really. Today has been a good day! What has my life come to when my good day consists of taking a moment to visit the Ladies.
It doesn't end there, on my way I think "oh this is going to be nice". Not only because I have time to wee but I get to shut my eyes for just a minute and relax. For once there wasn't a baby crying or a Mikey shouting "mum!!! Jakey needs you".
This lovely moment was however spoiled when I realised I was about to use the last of the toilet paper and the new pack I had bought is still in the boot of the car. The same car that is with my husband at work who wont be home until late. With my son's poo's I would go through no end of baby wipes so that wasn't an option. A trip to the shop it is.
A normal trip to the shop usually involves trying to dodge the aisles Mikey wants to waste my money on. Mostly surprise eggs (kinder eggs.....big fat waste of money eggs). Thanks Ryan. If you don't know who I'm talking about then look up Ryan's toy review. You have it all to look forward to if you don't have children.
"looks like all my family have trouble with bowl movements"
Anyone else wondering how old he is now and if his parents actually work? When will he be too old to review toys? Will he move onto adult toys? So many questions!
No Michael melt down when He asks for sweets and I explain he had already been bought something by his dad today. Excellent!
Slight Michael wobble In The park because some bitch wanted to share the roundabout. I understand his pain but we discuss it and agree he shouldn't spend all his time on it and can share. He looks at this girl with such hatred! However, he then decided after much consideration, (2 minutes) he loves this 6 year old hottie that keeps getting on HIS roundabout. She better back off my boy is all i'm thinking.
No melt down when we leave. He even wants to do a wee in the bush on the way out because some other girl is asking to do it. I'm OK with that! 1 pasta piece earned. At this point i'm thinking my luck has run out. How is he being so well behaved and how are we still friends.
But wait! He's too tired to walk home. Oh no he's going to ruin it and kick off. Nope, tantrum avoided because I have a cheeky bag of starburst and dangle them like a carrot. We make it to the final stretch of road to walk down and bang. My clumsy boy stacks it onto the pavement. I pick him up, dust him off and say caringly, "well u almost completed a whole trip out without hurting yourself".
No argument about dinner and an empty plate. 2 poos in the loo and cuddles on the sofa. I mean did someone answer my pleas for help? Did someone swap my child in the night? Nope its definitely him I can see all the war wounds he's been collecting.
Now I remember how lovely my son can be. I'm tired as can be from a terrible night but today has been made manageable by my 2 lovely boys. Not enough to get the washing up done though if my husband asks. Fingers crossed for a quiet evening!
It's bed time and I take another precious moment to take a well earned break on the porcelain throne. I catch up with the group chat and check in with my friends. I share that i'm on the loo and they just think I'm hiding. For once i'm not.
Michael is in bed. Even if he is shouting out the window to the neighbours like a prisoner. It counts. Jacob is asleep and all is good. My friends tell me to have a good poo but I explain i'm too tired to even shit right now. So looks like all my family have trouble with bowl movements. Whether it's knowing when to go....where to go or how to go. The struggle is real for A Mum in a Mann's world.