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Pinterest Fails - 6 Tips On How To Avoid Them This Summer

That's it so the summer holidays are here and we are all working out how to fill the time and entertain the children for as little as possible. I am new to this summer holidays thing and as far as I can tell there are two groups of parents. Those that can not wait to spend 6 weeks with their darling children and they can't think of anything better (Honestly they exist). Then there are those that are literally in fear of the dreaded 6 weeks and have no idea how they will make it through without checking into rehab after. I'm not sure which category I fall into yet but I am a little fearful of forcing these little people to spend so much time with me.

Since being on maternity leave, every week I try and think of a theme of the week. I then create activities for Michael and me to do. We incorporate the theme in our visit to the library each week also. This keeps us both occupied, for a little while anyway! Pinterest is essential for a bank of ideas. You really don't need to do all the thinking.



(I know Mikey is going to thank me for these pictures one day)

If you've read some my other stories then you will already know that I LOVE Pinterest. It feeds all of my creative urges and encourages me to let my creative juices flow. I am lucky because Michael loves to also be creative. All be it for limited time periods but that is all part of being a 3 year old. I have pinned many ideas but have actually only tried perhaps a third of these. I guess in the grand scheme of things that is pretty good really. HOWEVER, this has not come without some serious Pinterest fails!

I have an amazing best friend who again is equally as creative as I am. Left alone and in charge of the world for 2 minutes....I should imagine it would be covered in bunting and fairy lights. It would be mandatory to drink out of a jar and Mondays would be a day off to put those pins into action.

Anyway! Hair Fail! Once she messaged me all excited that she had seen this amazing way to curl hair. She put it into action at night and then was hoping to wake up to luscious curly locks. Instead, she wakes up with scarecrow curls and only 5 minutes to make it work for work. She's never on time in the mornings so this wasn't the best start to her day. This was a great start to my day however because she sent me a photo. Now if I knew she wouldn't sue me I would put up the picture....but I know she would kill me. So sorry guys!

Instead here is a picture of my two latest fails. Sun dried tomato fail!. It looked so easy! but when they put the oven temperature in Fahrenheit and I assumed Degrees.....Burnt tomatoes are bound to happen. Second try and I nearly burnt them again because Jacob would not stop hanging off my boob like the milk vampire he is. I tore him off it and managed to save half of them this time. Takes after his dad clearly.

Fairy garden fail! I had big ideas for the little house and again Pinterest made it look so easy! The rocks just didn't want to stick like their pictures. Oh well, we had fun making it and I told Mikey that our fairy is very quirky and likes her wacky house.

I also recently narrowly avoided another big fail. I was feeling naughty and fancied some chocolate crunch (chocolate concrete). That lovely hard chocolate stuff you used to get for school dinners. It's not the first time I've made it so hey what could go wrong?!?! I was adding the flour and thought "wow this is so much flour". "This would feed a whole school". I started to think maybe I should halve the recipe. But I thought it was still loads. I then thought maybe I should abort the chocolate crunch making all together. I went down to the comments to see if others have had a problem with the recipe. Turns out the twerp that had written the recipe put 80z which I read as 80oz it was obviously meant to be 8oz but this distracted mum did not pick up on this! Disaster avoided though and the yummy cake was mine.

So my advice this summer is: 1: Use and abuse the ideas on Pinterest to keep your little ones entertained. 2: Read the instructions and don't just look at the pictures like me. 3: Read the instructions again! Check you are reading them correctly and trust your instincts. 4: If it looks easy then it probably is quite hard but give it a go anyway! Why not?! Unless you have a know it all child...Tell them that is how it is meant to be! You are the grown up! 5: Don't expect too much. These people have tried and tested these crafts over and over again. So don't expect it to look like the picture. 6: If you really want to avoid a Pinterest fail just don't bother trying at all and go to the cinema instead! (Some great films out right now). Less clearing up and disaster avoided.

Want to follow my pins? Then click HERE!

6 days of the summer completed and both children are still alive. When I said this to my husband his reply was "Great parenting". I'm doing my best! I'm just a Mum In a Mann's world.

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