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There's A Monster In My Room

So as most people know being a parent you don't get much sleep. What people don't tell you is that broken sleep is about as useful as no sleep at all. I keep telling myself "Sleep is overrated", I'm not convinced but by the end of this hopefully I will be, and so will you!

I've not really had a full nights sleep since 2012 so I should be used to it. Doesn't stop me dreaming people! One little quirk I have is that I sleep walk when my brain is overwhelmed and stressed. Some nights I wake up at the kitchen cupboards and honestly I didn't just have the munchies. I've jumped on my husband (Get your minds out of the gutter), switched all the lights on, woken up burping my teddy, all sorts. So the night times can be very interesting in my home.

"He has a great suck (feel free to feel sorry for my breasts)."

Last night was another fun filled night. Regular Jacob feeding including the nodding off mid feed, turning my phone up to full brightness to keep me alert, all the normal stuff. I finally get Jacob back to sleep after his feed and an unbelievably huge poo and get back in bed. Next thing I hear the dreaded footsteps of a 3-year-old. Mikey comes in dragging his quilt and pillow (He came prepared). "Mum there's a monster in my room," Mikey says. I'm too tired to explain that there really isn't but there is in here, have you heard your dad sleep?

After placing his pillow just how he wanted it and placing his legs strategically to poke in my back just the way he likes it..... he's settled for the rest of the night in Mummy and Daddies bed. Let me just point out here this is not normally acceptable behaviour in my home. He went through a phase of this which we had to put an end to but the odd occasion I really can't be bothered to pick a fight about it and cause a mini meltdown (A Mikey meltdown - Screaming "leave me alone", "Not fair", and throwing himself on the floor).

"rubbing his willy on my phone"

So I finally get some sleep but of course, you guessed it Jacob wakes up not long after. Its feed time again! I love his face so I can't be mad.

I wasn't trying to do one of those "look how cute we are asleep" pictures...the flash was so god damn bright I had to save my eyes from permanent damage.

I decided to take him in the front room to feed him so he didn't wake Mikey. He is a very noisy feeder when given a bottle (I mix feed him bottle and breast!). He has a great suck (feel free to feel sorry for my breasts). This feed is going great! He's feeding quickly and settling down a treat. I take him back to the cot to put him down and turn to my bed to find Mikey sprawled out on my side of the bed. Do I shove him over? Part of me wishes he falls out (I'm joking! Honestly).

Yes, that's my teddy...

don't judge me. He's been well loved.

So after a few seconds of decision making, I decided the best outcome is avoiding a Mikey meltdown and him waking Jacob so I go back to sleep on the sofa. This was dangerous because this meant leaving Phil who could sleep through an earthquake to manage the children. He did it though I remember him wandering around the front room with Jacob at some point asking for something....not sure what but he must have found it. Then shortly after Mikey comes in with a huge smile and a gives me a big hug. In my mind, I think "Awww he's so cute....I'm glad YOU! had a good sleep" So that's it it's now morning and we start the process all over again.

I'm now so tired that every little thing is winding me up, my tea going cold, Mikey rubbing his willy on my phone, running out of bread, Phil answering me in a tired way and Mikey watching more Ryan's Toy Review on my phone. So I think to myself should I just check if there really was a monster in his room because I'm so delirious that anything is possible right now.

Well, it didn't work I'm not convinced that sleep is overrated. Sleep really is required for this Mum in a Mann's world.

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